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Digital Design

Pixel perfect and user-centric

Medical Device UI Design

There is endless potential in the digital transformation of our healthcare system. We support you with creative design, secure processes and decades of experience to shape this special development.

Our solutions range from digital user interfaces and VR experiences to medical networked systems, which we develop together with you in a targeted and user-centric manner.

DIGITAL DESIGN - Pixel perfect and user-centric

Digital Design Services

UI/UX design

Making complicated systems simple with one touchpoint.

Bringing together a variety of different user groups, sophisticated technology, and unique context are everyday challenges we solve to make medical user interfaces user-centric, simple, and safe.

From user research to concept and pixel-perfect design, we create digital interfaces precisely for the requirements of the healthcare sector. We consider the technical possibilities of embedded systems, desktop software and handheld devices and work agilely with your internal or external software development team.

Building on our medical design process, we can mesh UI development directly with hardware development and usability engineering.

More information
UI/UX design

Healthcare User Interfaces Challenges,
that we solve every day.

Complicated workflows clearly structured

Complicated workflows
clearly structured

Understanding multi-layered user groups

User groups

Icon UI Design Risk

Risk minimizing
measures in the UI

Patient data

Protect patient data

Icon UI Design Alarm Handling

Clear alarms with
instructions for action

Icon UI Design Typography

Length & Characters

Strengthen brand perception in the long term

Understanding with color blindness
Displays and alarms

Icon UI Design Networking

Systems networked via
multiple touchpoints

Icon UI Design Contrast

Measured contrasts for
best readability

Icon UI design screen sizes

One UI for different
display sizes

Icon UI Design Data

Clear parameters
and units of measurement

Icon UI design font sizes

Correct font size:
safe readability

Digital Prototyping

Do you want to gather user feedback early on or not have to make far-reaching project decisions in an empty room? Then prototyping is crucial.

Using various digital tools, we can make concept ideas and entire workflows visible and tangible for you. The possibilities range from click dummies on small touch screens to simply programmed prototypes and virtual reality environments.

In order to make the development as efficient as possible, it is always necessary to first determine what is to be tested or validated with the prototype. On this basis, we plan the functional scope with you and select the appropriate technology.

More information
Prototyping User Interface

Design systems

Do you have the task of consistently developing and maintaining multiple digital user interfaces? With a design system, this task can be solved in an organised and efficient way.

Hundreds of pages of style guides as PDFs are a thing of the past. One library manages all UI components in your company's design and function. All stakeholders use a central source of information with identical components, in the same version, in the same tool. Easy reuse of interface elements and a unique source makes interface design and programming simple, efficient, and consistent.

Together with you we start your design system from the first interface and let it grow continuously with further tasks or transfer already existing UI solutions to develop them further in a coordinated way.



More information
Design systems in the medical context

XR Experiences

We use "augmented reality" to secure decisions at an early stage and to gain initial experience with the nascent product.

In addition to unique product design, as a full-service design agency we offer our clients innovative technologies such as Extended Reality - "XR" - that positively impact both product development and our clients' marketing.

Using these digital tools, we create virtual prototypes - "digital clones" - and offer our customers interactive experiences to make design decisions and visualize the final product. Our customers benefit from a faster and more cost-effective development process, as well as greater market success through the impressive presentation of their products. Learn more about how we use XR technologies to take your products to the next level.

More information
Medical Design in combination with VR

3D animation

We help you communicate your products, services and medical procedures in an appealing and easy-to-understand way.

3D CAD data is not only the perfect basis for technical implementation but also opens up many possibilities in the marketing and service sector.

Almost anything can be visualised: interactions, anatomical details, or simply your product. A film length from a few seconds for social media posts up to several minutes for e.g. training material.

We take care of all aspects of the project: from the coordination of the storyboard, animation and visualisation to the soundtrack with professional speakers or music.

More information
3D Animation Teaser
Contact person WILDDESIGN

"There is endless potential in the digital transformation of our healthcare system. Let's unleash it together."

Your contact for digital design

Sebastian Wolf

Head of Digital Design

+49 89 780 196 50