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MT-Connect provides proof of authorization at the first attempt


MT-Connect provides proof of authorization at the first attempt

Another trade fair for medical technology? Not only in the immediate vicinity of MedTec in terms of time, but also in terms of space? And significantly smaller than the competition from Stuttgart? Admittedly, we were skeptical. But in the end we decided to take part in MT-CONNECT in Nuremberg - and have not regretted this decision.

Of course, the trade fair also had to contend with teething problems - such as the suboptimal premises. On balance, however, the positive experiences clearly outweighed the negative ones. Because what worked really well and got us excited about this trade fair in advance was the concept, which, in addition to the usual exhibition, also included a whole range of activating formats for the participants.

Good reasons for MT-CONNECT - my top 3 are:

Partnering Event.

Speed dating - in my opinion, there is no more dynamic format for getting into conversation with customers or partners. Being able to make new contacts quickly and in an entertaining way - that's what I call an ideal communication platform! I was able to "date" more than 14 interesting people during the two days of the fair. Thank you once again for that.

Connection to the MedTech Summit Congress.

The international MedTech Summit congress has proven to be a great addition to the trade fair: current topics from the industry and speakers who get to the point. Once again, fast-paced formats suited the short two-day duration of the trade fair: limited to a speaking time of four minutes, it is possible to listen to a presentation even with a busy schedule. An advantageous concept for both sides! In conversations after my presentation on usability and design, this was echoed several times by others. Incidentally, this format is also successful: follow-up discussions have already been arranged with some of the listeners. This meeting would certainly not have been so effortless without this dynamic.

Compactness and exhibitor diversity.

For me, expanding and maintaining networks is one of THE reasons for visiting a trade fair. The compact yet diverse range of exhibitors offered the ideal space for this. In contrast to the large trade fairs or those focused on just one supplier sector, MT-CONNECT showcased the entire spectrum of the industry: in addition to plastics processors, you could also meet OEM developers, companies from the hardware and software sector, microtechnology companies, etc. In other words, the best conditions for networking. The best conditions for networking. And that's exactly what it's all about. Meeting new and familiar customers, but also meeting potential partners - that is the added value of a trade fair.

Thanks to the new approach of MT-CONNECT, I hope that there will be more diverse opportunities for exhibitors at other trade fairs in the future. With more activities and suggestions for the exhibiting companies.

Let's see how things turn out next year.

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