2008 | Nomi Tang | Sensual product design
April 2008 | Case study about holistic design development in a somewhat different market. We developed products, the name, the brand, packaging and much more for Nomi Tang.

Nomi Tang - Adult Toys
Good Vibrations - sophisticated toys for adults
A start-up brand with a consistent corporate identity
The aim was to attack the Asian and international adult toy market with an innovative product line. Conveyed through a sensual and high-quality brand, the focus was on a self-confident and design-oriented market that the established brands had previously neglected.

Design process
Ourculturally mixed teamwork in the German and Chinese offices created uniquely shaped toys for adults with a natural and self-confident touch.
The new brand Nomi Tang was developed from scratch by WILDDESIGN and supported with packaging design and a comprehensive design manual in addition to the product design.
Design result
FromHong Kong, the new brand quickly spread across the global adult toy market. By winning the red dot Design Award 2010 for "Better than Chocolate", Nomi Tang was able to set itself far apart from its competitors with this iconic product.
What was the WILDDESIGN part?

- A successful new product line
- New brand and corporate identity
- Innovative product packaging
- red dot design award
Brand development

Project task
NomiTang's organic design language and inspiring brand identity enables her customers to experience physicality, self-confidence, pleasure and satisfaction in a new way.
With the declared aim of transforming the somewhat obscure "adult toy" segment into "sensual products", Nomi Tang is increasing social acceptance in this area.
The project began with a detailed analysis and brand definition and the question of how these attributes can be communicated through the brand.
The result: a creative and personal brand identity that connects the brand with the consumer.
Our tasks in this project:
- Brand identity
- Creation of the Nomi Tang Story
- Name creation and slogan "My Pleasure"
- Logo design
- Watercolors-CI
Brand & CI development
- CI Manual
- Template development
Frequently asked questions