Top or flop: evaluate projects as early as possible with the 360° PIC-UP
Technological ideas and concepts are a dime a dozen - but which of them are good enough to go into development and ultimately onto the market?
Lack of market potential, too expensive to implement, too much competition - every idea carries risks and as product developers in particular, we always have to weigh up whether a project can ultimately bring the desired success. If it only becomes apparent after the product launch that it is a flop, the disappointment as well as the financial and time losses are often great. Our tried and tested anti-flop strategies from 2011 should be mentioned again in this context.
There is generally no lack of ideas, but rather a lack of accurate and valid evaluation of new ideas. It is often difficult for product managers to assess whether the implementation of an idea is worthwhile. We know it from practice: half-baked ideas are first put on the road and only on the way do you realize that not everything works as planned. What's more, development becomes disproportionately more expensive with each passing day and the losses increase.
Companies therefore need an agile process that offers security right from the start of a project. In cooperation with Thomas Bragagna from Tripenso AG, Markus Wild has now developed the 360° PIC-UP for the larssoncreative group, which offers a well-founded assessment of the opportunities for the project at an early stage. Similar goals are pursued, for example, with the globally applied "Proof of Concept", but the PoC is often part of the actual development with all its time and cost disadvantages.

Concentrated know-how in 14 steps
The 360° PIC-UP can be thought of as a condensed concept that provides a complete overview even before the project starts. Nobody can see into the future - but our feasibility check is a big step towards minimizing the risk of failure within a few days to weeks with 14 comprehensible analysis points.
We have listed the 14 steps in detail in a flyer. Divided into the three categories Market, Innovation and Realization, each step looks at a different facet of the project and thus offers a comprehensive assessment.
> Flyer for the 360° PIC-UP as PDF
Thanks to our own diversity of skills in design and usability and our large network of experts, we have all the know-how on board to bring the necessary experts together quickly and easily. The 360° PIC-UP is the first offering from the larssoncreative group in which we bring together a wide range of disciplines and areas of focus. A key component is the expertise in the field of product development and system architecture, which in this case is provided by our external partner Thomas Bragagna. He therefore has a bird's eye view of new ideas, enabling him to recognize strengths and weaknesses. WILDDESIGN focuses more on the user's requirements and the possible design vision - our network partners' broader perspectives can also be incorporated.
The 360° PIC-UP in use: first test runs
We have already established the analytical working method of the check-up in a similar form in our 24 design factors. However, the 24 design factors are more of a checklist that effectively guides the conversation between client and contractor and ensures that nothing essential is forgotten. The 14 steps of the 360° PIC-UP go far beyond this "discussion situation" and research in depth so that even questions that are difficult to assess, such as production costs or property rights, can be clarified.

The 360°PIC-UP has so far been used in two pilot projects in the homecare sector. One of the two ideas, an innovative electric toothbrush, came with the special challenge that extremely strong opponents of well-known brands were already on the market and the specific market gap for the innovation had to be precisely determined by the 360°PIC-UP. The two projects showed how we were able to use the check-up to quickly find out whether the project really made sense. We are now looking forward to demonstrating this service on other project ideas in the near future. Further information can also be found in the flyer.
The renowned industry magazine devicemed published a specialist article on this topic in the October 2022 issue. (Read the article in devicemed)
Would you like to get an initial overview and put your project idea to the test? We will be happy to prepare an individual offer on request.
Contact us at +49 209 702 642 00 or by e-mail at
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