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360° PIC-UP

How can an entire development process be simulated?

360° Pickup Booklet

Ideas are a dime a dozen - but which of them is good enough to go into development and establish a successful product?

As product developers, we are confronted with this question every day. Once the complex development has started, it usually turns out much too late that the desired market potential is not there after all, sometimes only after the product launch.

The 360° PIC-UP (Project Idea Check up) is the answer to this real challenge. A comprehensive innovation and feasibility check even before the actual development has begun. A quick simulation of the entire development process, with which you as a decision maker can get a clear picture of the potential, risk and effort of the desired project - before high development expenses arise - the whole within a few weeks and with the help of comprehensible research and arguments.

A nice idea - but how can you do it?

Generating reliable statements in the shortest possible time without having to employ a huge team of developers? The agile core team for the 360°PIC-UP process always consists of only 2-3 people with a correspondingly large horizon of experience. Specific skills are recruited as needed from our interdisciplinary network: Product developers, designers, sustainability and digital strategists, business innovators, engineers and system architects.

The secret is in our process and in our effectiveness. Developed together with our strategic cooperation partner Thomas Bragagna from Tripenso AG in Liechtenstein as an answer to many immature development submissions we encounter every day. Starting from your project idea, we check all relevant factors influencing the planned development project in 14 clear analysis steps along simple guiding questions: Expected cost indications are determined as well as realistic time frames and also a first design vision.

The 360° PIC-UP analysis process

360° PIC-UP Market



Project Idea Background

What does the marketing and sales department want / what is the project idea?

Analysis of the "Idea Description

Review and clarification of open or emerged questions

Determination of focus and competences for the analyses



Applicable Market Conditions

What does the market look like?

Check: Does the market for this product even exist?

Classification of the degree of innovation of the intended product

Check of end-user prices for an existing product



Current Use and Solutions

How is the problem currently solved?

Usage and context analysis

Functional and technical analysis

Ecosystem and accessory analysis



Real Market Demands

Real market requirements (as opposed to marketing and sales requirements)

Power users and key innovation leaders Feedback analysis

Analysis of product optimization wishes

Analysis of further improvement potentials



Competitors Landscape

Who are the competitors and how do they differentiate themselves from each other?

Technical comparison of competitor products

Determination of marketing differences

Determination of end customer prices



Project Idea Background

What does the marketing and sales department want / what is the project idea?

Analysis of the "Idea Description

Review and clarification of open or emerged questions

Determination of focus and competences for the analyses



Applicable Market Conditions

What does the market look like?

Check: Does the market for this product even exist?

Classification of the degree of innovation of the intended product

Check of end-user prices for an existing product



Current Use and Solutions

How is the problem currently solved?

Usage and context analysis

Functional and technical analysis

Ecosystem and accessory analysis



Real Market Demands

Real market requirements (as opposed to marketing and sales requirements)

Power users and key innovation leaders Feedback analysis

Analysis of product optimization wishes

Analysis of further improvement potentials



Competitors Landscape

Who are the competitors and how do they differentiate themselves from each other?

Technical comparison of competitor products

Determination of marketing differences

Determination of end customer prices

360° PIC-UP Innovation



Problems and Optimisations

What difficulties/optimisation potentials still exist in the product to be improved/developed?

Evaluation of whether the technology used is up-to-date and producible

Evaluation of design, user interface and usability

Identification of safety-critical aspects and problems



Ideation and Analogies

Which analogies with applications from other fields as well as from bionics exist and how usable are these analogies?

Research of applicable technologies and processes

Research of applicable processes, arrangements and structures

Evaluation of the usability of the results

Ideas for more sustainability



IP Conditions and Opportunities

What is the basic landscape of customer-facing and competitor IP?

Identify customer and competitor IP

Identify state of the art and Freedom to Operate

Identify IP likely to be usable



Technical Components

Which technical components can be considered for the system and what do they cost?

Listing of possible system approaches

Listing of possibilities for hardware, mechanics and plastics technology

Listing of indicative prices for components and technologies, as well as adaptations



Best System Architecture

Which hardware, software, mechanical and technology components could work together to achieve maximum potential?

Proposal for the preferred system architecture based on analogies / examples

Assessment of the preferred system architecture in terms of producibility

Assessment of the preferred system architecture in terms of overall benefit



Problems and Optimisations

What difficulties/optimisation potentials still exist in the product to be improved/developed?

Evaluation of whether the technology used is up-to-date and producible

Evaluation of design, user interface and usability

Identification of safety-critical aspects and problems



Ideation and Analogies

Which analogies with applications from other fields as well as from bionics exist and how usable are these analogies?

Research of applicable technologies and processes

Research of applicable processes, arrangements and structures

Evaluation of the usability of the results

Ideas for more sustainability



IP Conditions and Opportunities

What is the basic landscape of customer-facing and competitor IP?

Identify customer and competitor IP

Identify state of the art and Freedom to Operate

Identify IP likely to be usable



Technical Components

Which technical components can be considered for the system and what do they cost?

Listing of possible system approaches

Listing of possibilities for hardware, mechanics and plastics technology

Listing of indicative prices for components and technologies, as well as adaptations



Best System Architecture

Which hardware, software, mechanical and technology components could work together to achieve maximum potential?

Proposal for the preferred system architecture based on analogies / examples

Assessment of the preferred system architecture in terms of producibility

Assessment of the preferred system architecture in terms of overall benefit

360° PIC-UP Realisation



Draft CAD Concept

How can the problem be solved from the technical side (rough concept CAD, rough concept hardware)?

CAD Rough design of the system architecture selected in #10

Hardware Rough design of the system architecture selected

Assessment of the risks / opportunities of the concept



Early Design Vision

What do early drafts of the industrial design incl. user interface look like? What image can we form of the product?

Design Vision to Industrial Design

Design Vision to User Interface

Solution Approaches Usability Features, Rationale, What's Behind the Ideas.



Economic View, COGs & Business Perspective

What cost structure can be expected and where is the economic leverage?

Development costs product + production and test facilities, depending on product life cycle

Cost of Goods (COGs)

Consider business strategies incl. sustainability



360° PIC-UP Presentation

What does the decision template look like - based on all key factors relevant to the project?

Execution of the rough project planning

Estimation of the costs and the lead time (incl. project start-up duration) for the concept phase

Presentation of the results



Draft CAD Concept

How can the problem be solved from the technical side (rough concept CAD, rough concept hardware)?

CAD Rough design of the system architecture selected in #10

Hardware Rough design of the system architecture selected

Assessment of the risks / opportunities of the concept



Early Design Vision

What do early drafts of the industrial design incl. user interface look like? What image can we form of the product?

Design Vision to Industrial Design

Design Vision to User Interface

Solution Approaches Usability Features, Rationale, What's Behind the Ideas.



Economic View, COGs & Business Perspective

What cost structure can be expected and where is the economic leverage?

Development costs product + production and test facilities, depending on product life cycle

Cost of Goods (COGs)

Consider business strategies incl. sustainability



360° PIC-UP Presentation

What does the decision template look like - based on all key factors relevant to the project?

Execution of the rough project planning

Estimation of the costs and the lead time (incl. project start-up duration) for the concept phase

Presentation of the results

Contact person WILDDESIGN

"Just a year ago, we would have claimed that something like the 360° PIC-UP could not work at all in such a short time and at such a low cost. We have proven ourselves wrong!"

Your contact person on the subject

Marc Ruta

Chief Executive Officer

+49 209 702 642 00

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