Smallest and lightest intraoral 3D scanner

In 2014, the company a-tron 3D from Klagenfurt entrusted us with the task of designing a suitable control system for their revolutionary 3D scanner handpiece. The intraoral 3D scanner developed by a-tron 3D in record time is the smallest and most mobile device currently available on the dental market.

Project task
The system can be flexibly connected to any computer via a USB port, provided that the required software is available. Since it is an open system, the STL data can be further processed in many CAD programs. The system works according to parallel confocal imaging and does not require the application of scanning powder for data acquisition.
The right control unit now had to be developed for this technically superior system. The AADVA Cart had to achieve a high degree of mobility and flexibility in everyday clinical use while being compact enough for transport purposes. In order to fulfill these quite contradictory requirements, five different design variants were developed during the concept phase, from which the final design was directly selected.
During the collaboration, a-tron 3D was acquired by the Japanese GC Group, which was reflected in particular in the area of corporate design.

Design process
Hardware design
The development team at a-tron 3D is characterized by a high level of user competence and likewise a high level of decision-making. Only the fluid interaction of the design team, internal developers and external equipment manufacturers was able to complete the development task in record time, on time for the trade fair.
This resulted in an agile development process that essentially dispensed with extensive presentations and documentation, but instead led to a direct and lively exchange of information and ideas between the cooperation partners.
In this way, the sometimes difficult requirements for the housing technology could be solved together with the mechanically demanding support arm, and the standardized components could be optimally integrated into an overall solution .
GUI design
The process for developing the Graphical User Interface (GUI) started very early and in parallel with the product design. In an extremely agile and effective process, the application specialists, the programmers and the designers were able to interact in a direct way and thus realize an extensive and complex interface for the IDS 2015 trade fair in a very short time (6-8 weeks).
The client provided the basis for the new design in the form of detailed wireframes. In the first step, WILDDESIGN created a series of design proposals with ideas for improvement, which were directly incorporated into the further development. The so-called flat design best met the taste of the times and the demands of usability.
The complex functional scope with 3D render image and camera image was certainly one of the bigger challenges, but also different screens for tooth selection required innovative solutions. With a dedicated Ikon family, specifically designed for this application, the intuitive operation and interaction with the 3D scanner handpiece could be further optimized.
In the aftermath of the IDS, further functional enhancements and optimizations were made by our GUI team, so that we were also able to help here in the usual good cooperation.

Project results
The innovative product with its clear and brand-oriented design language was presented as a top innovation at the GC booth at the International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne in March 2015.
Further developments are now being made in various areas so that world firsts can once again be presented at the next IDS.
What was the WILDDESIGN part?
- Design concept with mobility concept
- Technical concept with integration of purchased parts
- Design development to prototype
- Ergonomics in device handling and GUI

"Smaller, more powerful, more mobile - the Olympic triad in medical device design. "